We are pleased to share an update regarding our recent Freedom of Information request, which sheds light on the potential South Asian museum. It is imperative that we provide our audience with accurate information while staying true to our commitment to address the negative implications associated with the term "South Asian." Here are the key findings:

1. The Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, and Sport has revised its initial bold statement concerning the name of the future museum. They now emphasize that "South Asian" should not be considered a definitive decision regarding the museum's name.

2. The ministry acknowledges that "South Asian" has become a rigorous academic and community debate subject. It is essential to differentiate between academic discourse, centred on the investigation of linguistic imperialism within academia (as highlighted in our previous post), and the ongoing "community debate" involving individuals within the affected communities.

3. Our journey toward rectifying the accurate representation of minorities and preventing further marginalization is only beginning. We aim to raise awareness and dismantle the existing biases that perpetuate misrepresentations. If you would like more information and to stay informed about our progress, we would like you to visit our newly launched website at www.iamnotsouthasian.com.

Together, let us forge a future where all communities' rich heritage and cultures are cherished and respected. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue on this transformative path. We appreciate your unwavering support!